
Adverbs in Tibetan with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

Later in Tibetan

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Lazily in Tibetan

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Less in Tibetan

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Lightly in Tibetan

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Limply in Tibetan

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Lithely in Tibetan

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Loftily in Tibetan

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Longingly in Tibetan

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Loosely in Tibetan

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Loudly in Tibetan

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Lovingly in Tibetan

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Loyally in Tibetan

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Luckily in Tibetan

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Luxuriously in Tibetan

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Madly in Tibetan

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Magically in Tibetan

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Mainly in Tibetan

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Majestically in Tibetan

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Markedly in Tibetan

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Materially in Tibetan

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615 Adverbs found in English to Tibetan

Displaying 301-320