Learn Hindi Bird Names in Hindi Golden Oriole in Hindi

Golden Oriole Bird called in Hindi with how to pronounce and transliteration in english?

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[edit]Male in nest (Hyderabad, India)The Indian golden oriole is very similar to the Eurasian golden oriole but hasmore yellow in the tail and has a paler shade of red in the iris and bill. The malehas the black eye stripe extending behind the eye, a large carpal patch on the wing and wide yellow tips to the secondaries and tertiaries. The streaks on the underside of females is more sharp than in the females of the Eurasian golden oriole.[6][7][8]The European species is larger with a wing length of 149–162 mm in adult males compared to 136–144 mm inO. kundoo. The wing formula is also different with primary 2 longer than 5 inO. orioluswhile primary 5 is longer than 2 inO. kundoo.Distribution and habitat[edit]This oriole breeds fromBaluchistanand Afghanistan alongtheHimalayasto Nepal. Some populations breed in the peninsular region but are very local. The northern populations winter in southern India, with some birds wintering in Sri Lanka. The populations that occur in theMaldivesand th

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