Learn SlovakCommon Phrases in Slovak Add Missing Common Phrases

Common Phrases in Slovak with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

I don't like it in Slovak

Nepáči sa mi to
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I don't speak very well in Slovak

Nechcem hovoriť veľmi dobre
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I don't understand in Slovak

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I don't want it in Slovak

Nechcem ju
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I don't want that in Slovak

Nechcem, aby
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I don't want to bother you in Slovak

Nechcem vás obťažovať
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I feel good in Slovak

Cítim sa dobre
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I get off of work at 6 in Slovak

Vystupujem z práce na 6
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I have a headache in Slovak

Mám bolesti hlavy
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I hope you and your wife have a nice trip in Slovak

Dúfam, že vy a vaša žena má pekný výlet
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I know in Slovak

Viem, že
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I like her in Slovak

Páči sa mi ju
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I lost my watch in Slovak

Stratil som hodinky
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I need to change clothes in Slovak

Musím sa prezliecť
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I need to go home in Slovak

Musím ísť domov
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I only want a snack in Slovak

Ja len chcem, občerstvenie
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I think it tastes good in Slovak

Myslím, že to chutí
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I think it's very good in Slovak

Myslím, že to je veľmi dobrá
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I thought the clothes were cheaper in Slovak

Myslel som, že tie šaty sú lacnejšie
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I was about to leave the restaurant when my friends arrived in Slovak

Chystal som sa odísť z reštaurácie, keď moji priatelia prišli
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220 Common Phrases found in English to Slovak

Displaying 21-40