
English and Malayalam Meanings of End with Transliteration, synonyms, definition, translation and audio pronunciation.

  • End Meaning In Malayalam

  • End
    അതിര്‌ (Athiru)
  • അഗ്രം (Agram)
  • പ്രയോജനം (Prayeaajanam)
  • ലക്ഷ്യം (Lakshyam)
  • ഉദ്ദേശ്യം (Uddheshyam)
  • മുന (Muna)
  • സീമ (Seema)
  • അറ്റം (Attam)
  • തുഞ്ചം (Thuncham)
  • പരിണിത ഫലം (Parinitha phalam)
  • വിനാശം (Vinaasham)
  • അവസാനം (Avasaanam)
  • മരണം (Maranam)
  • സമാപ്‌തി (Samaapthi)
  • അറുതി (Aruthi)
  • പരിസമാപ്‌തി (Parisamaapthi)
  • അന്ത്യം (Anthyam)
  • അവസാനഘട്ടം (Avasaanaghattam)
  • അവശിഷ്‌ടം (Avashishtam)
  • അന്ത്യഫലം (Anthyaphalam)
  • ഒരു പ്രോഗ്രാമിന്റെ അവസാനം സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിന്‌ ഒടുവില്‍ ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നത്‌ (Oru prograaminte avasaanam soochippikkunnathinu otuvil‍ cher‍kkunnathu)
  • ശേഷിപ്പ്‌ (Sheshippu)
  • അതിര് (Athiru)
  • സമാപ്തി (Samaapthi)
  • End Meaning In English

    • None
    • S: (n) end (either extremity of something that has length; ) "the end of the pier"
    • S: (n) goal,end (the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it; ) "the ends justify the means"
    • S: (n) end,ending (the point in time at which something ends; ) "the end of the year"
    • S: (n) end,last,final_stage (the concluding parts of an event or occurrence; ) "the end was exciting"
    • S: (n) end (a final part or section; ) "we have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus"
    • S: (n) end,destruction,death (a final state; ) "he came to a bad end"
    • S: (n) end (the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object; ) "one end of the box was marked `This side up\"
    • S: (n) conclusion,end,close,closing,ending (the last section of a communication; ) "in conclusion I want to say..."
    • S: (n) end ((football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; ) "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
    • S: (n) end (one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; ) "the phone rang at the other end"
    • S: (n) end (a boundary marking the extremities of something; ) "the end of town"
    • S: (n) end (the part you are expected to play; ) "he held up his end"
    • S: (n) end,remainder,remnant,oddment (a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold)
    • S: (n) end (a position on the line of scrimmage; ) "no one wanted to play end"
    • Verb
    • S: (v) end,terminate (bring to an end or halt; ) "She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime"
    • S: (v) end (put an end to; ) "The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived"

Close Matching and Related Words of End in English to Malayalam Dictionary

Endanger   In English

In Malayalam : അപകടത്തിലാക്കുക In Transliteration : Apakatatthilaakkuka

Endeavor   In English

In Malayalam : പ്രയത്‌നം In Transliteration : Prayathnam

Endeavour   In English

In Malayalam : വ്യവഹാരം In Transliteration : Vyavahaaram

Ended   In English

In Malayalam : അവസാനിച്ച In Transliteration : Avasaaniccha

Endless   In English

In Malayalam : ശാശ്വതമായ In Transliteration : Shaashvathamaaya

Endorse   In English

In Malayalam : അംഗീകരിക്കുക In Transliteration : Amgeekarikkuka

Endowment   In English

In Malayalam : വരപ്രസാദം In Transliteration : Varaprasaadam

Endurance   In English

In Malayalam : സഹനശക്തി In Transliteration : Sahanashakthi

Endure   In English

In Malayalam : സഹിക്കുക In Transliteration : Sahikkuka

Endear   In English

In Malayalam : സ്‌നേഹമുണര്‍ത്തുക In Transliteration : Snehamunar‍tthuka

Meaning and definitions of End with similar and opposite words in Tamil Dictionary. Also find native spoken pronunciation of End in Tamil and in English language.