
English and Malayalam Meanings of Round with Transliteration, synonyms, definition, translation and audio pronunciation.

  • Round Meaning In Malayalam

  • Round
    തക്കതായ (Thakkathaaya)
  • ഉചിതമായ (Uchithamaaya)
  • യോഗ്യമായ (Yeaagyamaaya)
  • സമഗ്രമായ (Samagramaaya)
  • പരിവൃത്തി (Parivrutthi)
  • വക്രമായ (Vakramaaya)
  • മുഴുത്ത (Muzhuttha)
  • വലിയ (Valiya)
  • കുടിലമായ (Kutilamaaya)
  • കൊഴുത്ത (Keaazhuttha)
  • തവണ (Thavana)
  • വലയം (Valayam)
  • വളയം (Valayam)
  • കപടമില്ലാത്ത (Kapatamillaattha)
  • നിശ്ചിതമായ (Nishchithamaaya)
  • വട്ടം (Vattam)
  • വൃത്തം (Vruttham)
  • ഉരുണ്ട (Urunda)
  • വൃത്താകാരമായ (Vrutthaakaaramaaya)
  • വര്‍ത്തുളമായ (Var‍tthulamaaya)
  • ഋജുവായ (Rujuvaaya)
  • നല്ല (Nalla)
  • അവിച്ഛിന്നമായ (Avichchhinnamaaya)
  • ചുറ്റ്‌ (Chuttu)
  • ഊഴം (Oozham)
  • വട്ടത്തിലുള്ള (Vattatthilulla)
  • വട്ടത്തിലുളള (Vattatthilulala)
  • വൃത്താകൃതിയായ (Vrutthaakruthiyaaya)
  • പുഷ്‌ടമായ (Pushtamaaya)
  • ചില്ലറതള്ളിയ (Chillarathalliya)
  • തുറന്നുപറയുന്ന (Thurannuparayunna)
  • പൊള്ളയാല്ലാത്ത (Peaallayaallaattha)
  • ഗോളമാക്കുക (Geaalamaakkuka)
  • വട്ടമായ (Vattamaaya)
  • നിരീക്ഷണചര്യ (Nireekshanacharya)
  • ദിനവും ഉള്ള ഊഴം (Dinavum ulla oozham)
  • കളിവട്ടം (Kalivattam)
  • വൃത്താകാരമാക്കുക (Vrutthaakaaramaakkuka)
  • വട്ടത്തില്‍പ്പോകുന്ന (Vattatthil‍ppokunna)
  • Round Meaning In English

    • None
    • S: (n) round_of_golf,round (the activity of playing 18 holes of golf; ) "a round of golf takes about 4 hours"
    • S: (n) cycle,rhythm,round (an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; ) "the neverending cycle of the seasons"
    • S: (n) round,unit_of_ammunition,one_shot (a charge of ammunition for a single shot)
    • S: (n) rung,round,stave (a crosspiece between the legs of a chair)
    • S: (n) beat,round (a regular route for a sentry or policeman; ) "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name"
    • S: (n) round ((often plural) a series of professional calls (usually in a set order); ) "the doctor goes on his rounds first thing every morning"
    • S: (n) round,daily_round (the usual activities in your day; ) "the doctor made his rounds"
    • S: (n) round (the course along which communications spread; ) "the story is going the rounds in Washington"
    • S: (n) circle,round (any circular or rotating mechanism; ) "the machine punched out metal circles"
    • S: (n) turn,bout,round ((sports) a period of play during which one team is on the offensive)
    • S: (n) round,round_of_drinks (a serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic); ) "he ordered a second round"
    • S: (n) round (a cut of beef between the rump and the lower leg)
    • S: (n) round,troll (a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time; ) "they enjoyed singing rounds"
    • S: (n) round (an outburst of applause; ) "there was a round of applause"
    • Verb
    • S: (v) round (wind around; move along a circular course; ) "round the bend"
    • S: (v) round,round_out,round_off (make round; ) "round the edges"
    • S: (v) attack,round,assail,lash_out,snipe,assault (attack in speech or writing; ) "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
    • S: (v) round_off,round_down,round_out,round (express as a round number; ) "round off the amount"
    • S: (v) polish,round,round_off,polish_up,brush_up (bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; ) "polish your social manners"
    • S: (v) round,labialize,labialise (pronounce with rounded lips)
    • S: (v) round,flesh_out,fill_out (become round, plump, or shapely; ) "The young woman is fleshing out"

Close Matching and Related Words of Round in English to Malayalam Dictionary

Rounded   In English

In Malayalam : ഓഷ്‌ഠ്യമായ In Transliteration : Oshdtyamaaya

Roundabout   In English

In Malayalam : പൂര്‍ത്തിയാക്കുക In Transliteration : Poor‍tthiyaakkuka

Roundel   In English

In Malayalam : ചക്രജനാല In Transliteration : Chakrajanaala

Rounder   In English

In Malayalam : തുടരെത്തുടരെ ചെല്ലുന്നവന്‍ In Transliteration : Thutaretthutare chellunnavan‍

Roundish   In English

In Malayalam : ഏകദേശം ഉരുണ്ട In Transliteration : Ekadesham urunda

Roundly   In English

In Malayalam : പൂര്‍ണ്ണമായി In Transliteration : Poor‍nnamaayi

Roundsman   In English

In Malayalam : റോന്തുകാരന്‍ In Transliteration : Reaanthukaaran‍

Round up   In English

In Malayalam : വളഞ്ഞു പിടിക്കുക In Transliteration : Valanju pitikkuka

Round about   In English

In Malayalam : ഏകദേശം In Transliteration : Ekadesham

Round and round   In English

In Malayalam : ചുറ്റും പല പ്രാവശ്യം നീങ്ങുക In Transliteration : Chuttum pala praavashyam neenguka

Meaning and definitions of Round with similar and opposite words in Tamil Dictionary. Also find native spoken pronunciation of Round in Tamil and in English language.