
English and Tamil Meanings of Stop with Transliteration, synonyms, definition, translation and audio pronunciation.

  • Stop Meaning In Tamil

  • Stop
    நிறுத்து (Niruthu)
  • நிறுத்த (Niruthu)
  • நிறுத்தல் பிட்டு (Bit Niruththal Pittu)
  • நிறுத்தல் குறியீடு (Code Niruththal Kuriyiidu)
  • Stop Meaning In English

    • None
    • S: (n) diaphragm,stop (a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens; ) "the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically"
    • S: (n) stop_consonant,stop,occlusive,plosive_consonant,plosive_speech_sound,plosive (a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it; ) "his stop consonants are too aspirated"
    • S: (n) stop,halt (the event of something ending; ) "it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill"
    • S: (n) arrest,check,halt,hitch,stay,stop,stoppage (the state of inactivity following an interruption; ) "the negotiations were in arrest"
    • S: (n) stop,stoppage (the act of stopping something; ) "the third baseman made some remarkable stops"
    • S: (n) blockage,block,closure,occlusion,stop,stoppage (an obstruction in a pipe or tube; ) "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"
    • S: (n) stop,stopover,layover (a brief stay in the course of a journey; ) "they made a stopover to visit their friends"
    • S: (n) stop (a spot where something halts or pauses; ) "his next stop is Atlanta"
    • S: (n) period,point,full_stop,stop,full_point (a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations; ) "in England they call a period a stop"
    • S: (n) catch,stop (a restraint that checks the motion of something; ) "he used a book as a stop to hold the door open"
    • S: (n) stop ((music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes; ) "the organist pulled out all the stops"
    • Verb
    • S: (v) barricade,block,blockade,stop,block_off,block_up,bar (render unsuitable for passage; ) "block the way"
    • S: (v) stop,halt (come to a halt, stop moving; ) "the car stopped"
    • S: (v) intercept,stop (seize on its way; ) "The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country\s airspace"
    • S: (v) hold_on,stop (stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments; ) "Hold on a moment!"
    • S: (v) stop,stop_over (interrupt a trip; ) "we stopped at Aunt Mary\s house"
    • S: (v) stop (cause to stop; ) "stop a car"
    • S: (v) break,break_off,discontinue,stop (prevent completion; ) "stop the project"
    • S: (v) check,turn_back,arrest,stop,contain,hold_back (hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of; ) "Arrest the downward trend"

Close Matching and Related Words of Stop in English to Tamil Dictionary

Stop clock (noun)   In English

In Tamil : நிறுத்தமைவுச் சுவர்க்கடிகாரம்

Stopcock (noun)   In English

In Tamil : நெகிழ்வுக்குழாய்

Stop collar (noun)   In English

In Tamil : தடைக்கட்டு வளையம்

Stop cylinder (noun)   In English

In Tamil : அச்சுப்பொறி வகை

Stop drill (noun)   In English

In Tamil : சுழல் வெல்லைத் தடுக்குடைய துளையிடு கருவி வகை

Stop gap (noun)   In English

In Tamil : தற்கால இசைவு ஏற்பாடு

Stop key (noun)   In English

In Tamil : சுரமாற்ற இசைக்கருவித் தடைத்திருக்கு

Stop knob (noun)   In English

In Tamil : சுரமாற்ற இசைக்கருவித் தடைக்குமிழ்

Stop off (noun)   In English

In Tamil : பயண இடைமுறிப்பு

Stop order (noun)   In English

In Tamil : பங்குக்களத் தரகருக்குத் தரப்படும் விற்பனை நிறுத்த ஆணை

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