துருவம் -
s. immutability, stability, அசையாநிலை; 2. the pole of a circle; 3. the north pole star; 4. dexterity, உபாயம்; 5. a measure in music, தாள வகையிலொன்று; 6. one of the 27 astrological yogas; 7. longitude of aphelion or apogee; 8. epoch longitude of a planet.
துருவன், Dhruva the grandson of Manu and son of Uttanapada; 2. the pole star, personified by the demi-god Dhruva; 3. one of the 8 demi-gods. துருவமண்டலம், துருவமதம், region of Dhruva, regent of the polestar. துருவாட்சரம், the longitudinal distance of the sun or a planet from the first of Aries at the end of synodic periods.
துவம் - tuvam
s. permanence, fixedness, அசையாநிலை; 2. an affix expressing quality, nature etc. as in தேவத்துவம், divinity.