குழை - kuzai
s. tender leaves, foliage, தளிர்; 2. mud, slime, சேறு; 3. ear-jewels, குண்டலம்; the sky, ஆகாசம்; 5. a jungle, காடு; 6. water-lily.
குழைநாற்றம், an unpleasant leafy smell. குழைமண்ட, to abound with thick foliage. குழையடிக்க, to recite mantrams waving margosa leaves over a person who is sick, possessed or snake-bitten; 2. to wheedle.
மகரம் - makaram
s. sea-monster, the fish which piloted the bark of Satyavrata at the time of the deluge; 2. a shark,
சுறா; 3. Capricorn of the Zodiac figured as half-fish, half-animal; 4. a crocodile, an alligator,
முதலை; 5. pink colour,
சாயநிறம்; 6. pollen and anther of flowers; 7. the world of the gods.
மகரகண்டிகை, ornamental hangings of cloth representing two fishes, மகர தோரணம். மகர குண்டலம், -க்குழை, fish-shaped ear-rings. மகர கேதனம், a flag with the figure of a fish. மகரகேதனன், -கேது, Kama, the Hindu cupid as bearing a banner with the figure of a fish, மகரக்கொடியோன், மகரத் துவசன். மகர சங்கராந்தி, the transist of the sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn. மகரச்சா, tabular correction for the parallax of the orbit of the superior planets from the first of Capricorn to Cancer. மகரந் தோய்க்க, to dye a pink colour. மகர மாதம், the month தை when the sun is in Capricorn. மகா யாழ், one of the four kinds of fiddle. மகரயூகம், மகரவியூகம், an army arrayed for battle in the shape of a fish. மகரராசி, the sign of capricorn. மகராலயம், the sea as the abode of fish.