Learn NorwegianHome Phrases in Norwegian Add Missing Home Phrases

Home Phrases in Norwegian with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

The children are cleaning the bicycles in Norwegian

Barna vasker syklene
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The children are cleaning up the children’s room in Norwegian

Barna rydder på rommet sitt
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The front door is closed in Norwegian

Inngangsdøren er låst
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The kitchen and bathroom are here in Norwegian

Her er kjøkkenet og badet
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The roof is on top in Norwegian

Taket er øverst
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The TV set is brand new in Norwegian

TVen er ganske ny
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There are trees next to the house in Norwegian

Ved siden av huset står det trær
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There is a garden behind the house in Norwegian

Bak huset er det en hage
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There is a sofa and an armchair there in Norwegian

Der er det en sofa og en lenestol
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There is no street in front of the house in Norwegian

Foran huset er det ingen gate
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We are cleaning the apartment today in Norwegian

I dag vasker vi leiligheten
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We are going to the living room in Norwegian

Vi går inn i stua
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We have time today in Norwegian

I dag har vi tid
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What do you want to cook today? in Norwegian

Hva skal du lage i dag?
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Where are the dishes? in Norwegian

Hvor er serviset?
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Who does the dishes? in Norwegian

Hvem tar oppvasken?
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Who washes the windows? in Norwegian

Hvem vasker vinduene?
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37 Home Phrases found in English to Norwegian

Displaying 21-37