Learn CzechLove Phrases in Czech Add Missing Love Phrases

Love Phrases in Czech with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

What do you think about me? in Czech

Co si myslíš o mně?
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What do you think of me? in Czech

Co si o mně myslíš?
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What's new? in Czech

Co je nového?
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What's on your mind? in Czech

Co máš na mysli?
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When do you want me to come back in Czech

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When i am with you, My troubles seem to melt away in Czech

Když jsem s tebou, Mé problémy se zdají tát
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When i look at you i see a man that i find irresistible in Czech

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Where are you darling? in Czech

Kde jsi miláčku?
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Why do you like me? in Czech

Proč mě máš rád?
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Will you go with me? in Czech

Půjdeš se mnou?
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Will you marry me in Czech

Vezmeš si mě
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Words are not enough to express how much i love you in Czech

Slova nestačí vyjádřit, jak moc tě miluji
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You are beautiful in Czech

Ty jsou krásné
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You are dear to me in Czech

Jste mi drazí
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You are everything to me in Czech

Jste pro mě všechno
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You are handsome in Czech

Jste pohledný
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You are mine wonder of nature in Czech

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You are my angel in Czech

Ty jsi můj anděl
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You are my beloved in Czech

Ty jsi můj milovaný
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You are my everything in Czech

Jsi moje všechno
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388 Love Phrases found in English to Czech

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