Learn CzechLove Phrases in Czech Add Missing Love Phrases

Love Phrases in Czech with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

You are the other half that makes me feel whole in Czech

jste druhá polovina, že se cítím celý
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You are the sweetest man i know in Czech

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You are very beautiful in Czech

Jste velmi krásná
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You are very cute in Czech

Ty jsou velmi roztomilé
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You are very pretty in Czech

Jste moc hezká
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You are very unique in Czech

Jste velmi unikátní
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You belong to me in Czech

Ty patříš ke mně
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You bring nothing but love, Peace, joy, and happiness to my soul in Czech

Můžete přinést nic než lásku, mír, radost a štěstí do mé duše
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You bring so much joy and happiness to my life in Czech

vám přinese tolik radosti a štěstí mého života
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You can't deny what's between us in Czech

Nemůžete popřít, že to, co je mezi námi
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You deserve the best in Czech

Zasloužíte si to nejlepší
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You drive me crazy in Czech

Mě přivádíš k šílenství
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You have a very beautiful in Czech

Máte velmi krásné
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You have beautiful eyes in Czech

Máš krásné oči
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You have the prettiest eyes in the world in Czech

Máte nejkrásnější oči na světě
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You have won my heart in Czech

Vyhrál jsi mé srdce
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You hurt me so much in Czech

Ublížil jsi mi tolik
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You look good in that dress in Czech

Vypadáš dobře v těch šatech
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You love me gently in Czech

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You make me burn with desire in Czech

Je mi z tebe hořet touhou
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388 Love Phrases found in English to Czech

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