Learn CzechLove Phrases in Czech Add Missing Love Phrases

Love Phrases in Czech with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

I want to meet you in Czech

Chci tě poznávám
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I want to see you in Czech

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I want to see your face every day in Czech

Chci vidět tvou tvář každý den
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I want to spend forever with you in Czech

Chci strávit navždy s tebou
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I want to take this slow in Czech

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I want to talk to you in Czech

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I want you to be happy in Czech

Chci, abys byla šťastná
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I want you to come back! in Czech

Chci, aby ses vrátil!
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I want you to meet my parents in Czech

Chci vás seznámit s mými rodiči
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I want you to trust me in Czech

Chci, abys mi věřil
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I will always be on your side in Czech

Budu vždy na vaší straně
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I will be faithful to you in Czech

budu věrný k vám
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I will give anything to be with you in Czech

Dám cokoliv, aby se s vámi
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I will go with you to the ends of the world as long as you keep loving me in Czech

Půjdu s tebou až na konec světa, jak dlouho budete držet mě milovat
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I will never cheat on you in Czech

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I will rather be broke than trade your love for a million dollars in Czech

i se spíše na mizině, než vyměnit svou lásku k milionu dolarů
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I will travel a thousand miles to be with you in Czech

Budu cestovat tisíce kilometrů, aby se s vámi
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I wish i had never met you in Czech

Kéž bych se nikdy nesetkal vás
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I wish you were never a part of my life in Czech

Přál bych si, že jsi nikdy součástí mého života
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I won’t forget you in Czech

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388 Love Phrases found in English to Czech

Displaying 121-140