Learn IcelandicLove Phrases in Icelandic Add Missing Love Phrases

Love Phrases in Icelandic with audio pronunciation and transliteration in English

I want to meet you in Icelandic

Ég vil hitta þig
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I want to see you in Icelandic

Ég vil sjá þig
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I want to see your face every day in Icelandic

Ég vil sjá andlit þitt á hverjum degi
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I want to spend forever with you in Icelandic

Ég vil eyða eilífu með þér
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I want to take this slow in Icelandic

Ég vil taka þetta hægt
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I want to talk to you in Icelandic

Ég vil tala við þig
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I want you to be happy in Icelandic

Ég vil að þú vera hamingjusamur
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I want you to come back! in Icelandic

Ég vil að þú komir aftur!
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I want you to meet my parents in Icelandic

Ég vil að þú hitta foreldra mína
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I want you to trust me in Icelandic

Ég vil að þú treystir mér
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I will always be on your side in Icelandic

Ég mun alltaf vera á hliðinni
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I will be faithful to you in Icelandic

Ég mun vera trúr þér
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I will give anything to be with you in Icelandic

Ég mun gefa allt til að vera með þér
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I will go with you to the ends of the world as long as you keep loving me in Icelandic

Ég mun fara með þér til endimarka heims svo lengi sem þú geymir elska mig
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I will never cheat on you in Icelandic

Ég mun aldrei svindla á þér
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I will rather be broke than trade your love for a million dollars in Icelandic

Ég mun frekar vera blankur en viðskipti ást þína fyrir milljón dollara
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I will travel a thousand miles to be with you in Icelandic

Ég mun ferðast þúsund mílur til að vera með þér
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I wish i had never met you in Icelandic

Ég vildi að ég hefði aldrei hitt þig
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I wish you were never a part of my life in Icelandic

Betur að þú værir aldrei hluti af lífi mínu
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I won’t forget you in Icelandic

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388 Love Phrases found in English to Icelandic

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