Learn Malayalam Making Friends Phrases in Malayalam Do you know where there's a store that sells towels? in Malayalam

How to Say Do you know where there's a store that sells towels? in Malayalam with how to pronounce and transliteration in English?

Category: Making Friends Phrases 

English: Do you know where there's a store that sells towels?

English Pronounciation: 

Do you know where there's a store that sells towels?: In All Languages

User Answers for Do you know where there's a store that sells towels? in Malayalam:

ഇനിഎന്നെങ്കിലും വിൽക്കുന്ന ഒരു സ്റ്റോർ സ്ഥലം അറിയാമോ? ini'enneṅkiluṁ vilkkunna oru sṟṟēār sthalaṁ aṟiyāmēā?

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