Learn GermanVegetable Names in German Add Missing Vegetable Names

List of Vegetables Names in German with Audio Pronunciation and Transliteration in English

Cardoon in German

n. Cardy, Pflanze der Korbblütler Familie
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Celeriac in German

n. Selleriewurzel
1 0 0
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Elephant Garlic in German

1 0 0
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Kohlrabi in German

1 0 0
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Kurrat in German

No Answer Found, If you know pls Contribute.
1 0 0

Lotus Root in German

1 0 0
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Pearl Onion in German

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Potato Onion in German

1 0 0
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Prussian Asparagus in German

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1 0 0

Spring Onion in German

1 0 0
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Shallot in German

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2 0 0

Tree Onion in German

1 0 0
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Abusgata in German

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Wild Leek in German

wilder Porree
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Arracacha in German

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Bamboo Shoot in German

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Chinese Artichoke in German

Chinesische Artischocke
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Daikon in German

1 0 0
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Elephant Foot Yam in German

1 0 0
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Ensete in German

No Answer Found, If you know pls Contribute.

161 Vegetable Names found in English to German

Displaying 81-100