English and Tamil Meanings of Top with Transliteration, synonyms, definition, translation and audio pronunciation.
Top Meaning In Tamil
Top (Preposition)
Top (noun)
உயரே; பம்பரம்
(Uyaree; Pamparam)
கொடு முடி
ஏட்டின் தலைப்பக்கம்
ஏட்டுப்பக்கத்தின் மெல்விளிம்பு
வட்டரங்டக மோடு
ஊர்தி மோடு
உந்துகல இயந்திர மேல்மூடி
ஊர்தி உயர் நெம்பு இணைப்பு
தட்டு மேல் மூடி
உச்சப் பாய்மரம்
கீழ்ப்பாய் மஜ்த்திற்கு அடுத்து மேல் உள்ள பாய்மரம்
Top Meaning In English
S: (n) top (the upper part of anything; ) "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"
S: (n) acme,height,elevation,peak,pinnacle,summit,superlative,top (the highest level or degree attainable; ) "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"
S: (n) circus_tent,big_top,round_top,top (a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance; ) "he was afraid of a fire in the circus tent"
S: (n) top,top_side,upper_side,upside (the highest or uppermost side of anything; ) "put your books on top of the desk"
S: (n) peak,crown,crest,top,tip,summit (the top point of a mountain or hill; ) "the view from the peak was magnificent"
S: (n) top,top_of_the_inning (the first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat; ) "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth"
S: (n) top (the greatest possible intensity; ) "he screamed at the top of his lungs"
S: (n) top (platform surrounding the head of a lower mast)
S: (n) top,whirligig,teetotum,spinning_top (a conical child\s plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin; ) "he got a bright red top and string for his birthday"
S: (n) top,cover (covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); ) "he removed the top of the carton"
S: (n) top (a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips; ) "he stared as she buttoned her top"
S: (v) crown,top (be the culminating event; ) "The speech crowned the meeting"
S: (v) top (reach or ascend the top of; ) "The hikers topped the mountain just before noon"
S: (v) top (strike (the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool) giving it a forward spin)
S: (v) top,pinch (cut the top off; ) "top trees and bushes"
S: (v) clear,top (pass by, over, or under without making contact; ) "the balloon cleared the tree tops"
S: (v) top,top_off (finish up or conclude; ) "They topped off their dinner with a cognac" From word Net
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