
Tamil and English Meanings of ஊரல் with Transliteration, synonyms, definition, translation and audio pronunciation.

  • ஊரல் Meaning in English

    ஊர் - Uur
    ஊரு, II. v. i. move slowly, creep, crawl, தவழ்; 2. circulate as blood; 3. itch, தினவுறு; v. t. ride, cause to go (as a horse), drive a vehicle, செலுத்து; mount, ஏறு.
    எறும்பூரக் கல்லும் குழியும், even a stone will become hollow by the continued passage of ants. நத்தை ஊருகிறது, the snail creeps. ஊரல், v. n. friction, உரிஞ்சல்; 2. creeping. ஊருகால், a snail, a chank. ஊர்வன, pl. reptiles. ஊர்தி, a vehicle or conveyance in general, bullock, horse, palanguin etc.
    ஊரல் - ural
    s. shell-fish, கிளிஞ்சில்; 2. (prop. ஊறல்) rawness, greenness, moistness, பசுமை; 3. itching sensation; 4. eruptive patch on the skin; 5. v. n. ஊரல் புண், a raw wound.

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