வனம் - vanam
s. wilderness, an uncultivated open country, நாடு; 2. a forest, a grove surrounding a town; 3. water, நீர்; 4. the basil plant, துளசி; 5. a place for burning dead bodies; 6. beauty, அழகு; 7. a way, வழி.
வன சஞ்சாரம், -சஞ்சரிப்பு, dwelling or roaming in a forest or wilderness. வனசம், வனருகம், the lotus, as water born. வனசரம், a wild elephant (as living in a forest); 2. (prov.) wilderness. வனசரர், வனவேடர், hunters, foresters. வனச்சார்பு, a sylvan tract. வனபூமி, a woodland country. வனபோசனம், picnic in the woods; 2. a sacred feast held in groves. வனமாலி, an epithet of Vishnu as wearing a basil garland. வனவாசம், a dwelling or abiding place of a hermit; 2. living in a forest. வனவாசம் பண்ண, to live in the woods as a hermit. வனவாசி, a hermit. வனாந்தரம், a desert, an uninhabited place.